2023 Catalogue Update

Hi All, We are celebrating our 30th year in business this year. Thank you to all who have supported us over this time.I know many have contacted us and are contacting us to see when our next update will be.Unfortunately we cannot give you a time as we have much to do...

Catalogue Update Spring 2022

Hi All.Thank you all for your patience. We have had major issues to work through in our business which has caused the large delay in our sales.While still not entirely sorted we have created some breathing space. As such we will be updating for Australia only, to...

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022.

To All. What a tumultuous year. 🙂 Massive changes world wide. We are lucky to have our Neps to give us some reprieve. :)To all our valued customers, we would like to take this time to say thank you for your support over the last year. We hope that your plants are...

Catalogue News for October 2021

N. veitchii – BarioN. lowii x nebularum Thank you to all those customers who participated in our recent September Australia Only update. We hope you are all pleased with your purchases. :)This will be the only release for the remainder of this year as our...

Next catalogue update news.

Thank you to all those that participated in our recent March 2021 update.We are not sure when we will be updating again as we are trying to take some time off and also trying to catch up on what seems to be never ending maintenance now buildings are mostly over 20...